As in "No more starving autistic artist" i.e. Asperger's. 

Index | Images 

The following images are my foundational creations as I launch my Manifold NFT collections

I have recently found myself journeying through the illustrious realm of IMPASTO. 
This medium straightway caught my imagination thereby inspiring me to many dramatic creations. 
The intensification of the strokes throughout the process of bringing my notions to life sensually caress my visions. 
As a result the canvases flow with a life that can be felt with observation alone. Enjoy them.

Apricot Grove

Apricot Grove

Engulfed within the foliage springing from the branches extending in all directions, appear the nascent yields subsequently becoming sweet and fleshy ambassadors of their patented charm.

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Golden Flora

Golden Flora

Gleaming sunlight stalwarts the heavy growth, yet dances with golden hues, expeditiously filling the backdrop setting, with awe and commemoration.

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Peach Blossoms

Peach Blossoms

A panoramic spray of color embellishing the countenance of the coppice, proliferating, accordingly abounding, burgeoning the imagination in such an enchanting season.

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Peach Blossoms Study

Peach Blossoms Study

A panoramic spray of color embellishing the countenance of the coppice, proliferating, accordingly abounding, burgeoning the imagination in such an enchanting season.

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Obscuer Serpent

Obscure Serpent

Concealed in the foliage amidst the umbrage, camouflaged hence, essentially a chameleon, imperceptible to the unaware, petrified, cloaked, pending retreat.

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Sea of Flora

Sea of Flora

The caliginous panorama of flora swirling through dabs of light thereby swishing in like manner to the deep, immersed amid aqueous colour.

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Strawberry Dew

Strawberry Dew

As the dew gathers on the leaves, the blossoms engender auspicious hopes and dreams, assuring our anticipation.

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Sleep Dreams

Sleep Dreams

Sleep Dreams

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Hedged in luxury, furthermore immersed in leisure, naturally our Prince is immune from peril, in the meantime cleverly ensconced within granted bastion.

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My Ra Golden Goddess

My Ra Golden Goddess

Myra, my love, my light, my life. A rendition feature touching the core of our essence, traversing the whole of infinity.

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Fervid ETH

Fervid ETH

Intensely glowing growth of the decentralized blocks, in fullness satiates the coffers of those who contract reflections of light through mediums put into order, ultimately fulfilling the fantasies of connoisseurs of pure essence.

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