As in "No more starving autistic artist" i.e. Asperger's. 

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I present my collection of imprinted visual aids having Harmonious resonance.

The consciousness frequencies of these NFTs are imprinted with the frequency of Harmony for those in their presence.. 
The Ξ Beats entrain one’s consciousness.. 
Enjoy them.

What I felt when I imprinted my images was unbelievable. You will feel the same way. NOMOSTAVINGAuTIST's images are so beautiful.

   What I'm about to tell you is true. If you believe me, your reward will be enormous. Simply experiencing what I have to offer will convince you. Allow me to broaden your horizons. 

   I'm sure you've heard of quantum connections that span space and time. This is becoming apparent in all aspects of reality. It is associated with cultures that initially avoided photography because they believed it would "steal their souls."  

   So, ask me, what have I discovered? What is so extraordinary? Allow me to continue. I've spent most of my life working with source energy. For the most part, I'm interacting with those around me directly. I was residually filled with the resonance of the frequencies I was allowing to flow through me as I downloaded source energy to those who were open to change.  

   I couldn't believe the amount of power available. 

   When I imprinted my images with source energy, frequencies flowed from source through the images and were directly transmitted to the recipients in my presence. It was difficult to believe, but instead of the dreaded "stealing of my soul," I discovered that I could "Share the gifts of my soul" through my images and gain the benefits of the flow myself. 

   Sharing my images allows others in need to benefit from the embedded source frequencies. As future interactions with the images will have the same effect, this circumvents the limitations of space and even time. 

   To ensure the provenance of our imprinting, I am minting these images with my own smart contract. It is not necessary to own one of these NFTs to benefit from their power, and sharing the links and images will have a significant impact on global consciousness. However your owning them will aid my mission of reaching the entire planet, as I have an endless supply of creations in the works that will be released over time. 

   I appreciate your help and admire your commitment to raising awareness of your followers and friends. 

Apricot Grove Harmony

Apricot Grove Harmony 3 Ξ Beats

The consciousness frequency in this NFT brings Harmony to those in its presence. The Ξ Beats entrain one’s consciousness.

Engulfed within the foliage springing from the branches extending in all directions, appear the nascent yields subsequently becoming sweet and fleshy ambassadors of their patented charm.

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Golden Flora Harmony

Golden Flora Harmony 3 Ξ Beats

The consciousness frequency in this NFT brings Harmony to those in its presence. The Ξ Beats entrain one’s consciousness..

Gleaming sunlight stalwarts the heavy growth, yet dances with golden hues, expeditiously filling the backdrop setting, with awe and commemoration.

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Peach Blossoms Harmony

Peach Blossoms Harmony 3 Ξ Beats

The consciousness frequency in this NFT brings Harmony to those in its presence. The Ξ Beats entrain one’s consciousness.

A panoramic spray of color embellishing the countenance of the coppice, proliferating, accordingly abounding, burgeoning the imagination in such an enchanting season.

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Obscure Serpent Harmony

Obscure Serpent Harmony 3 Ξ Beats

The consciousness frequency in this NFT brings Harmony to those in its presence. The Ξ Beats entrain one’s consciousness.

Concealed in the foliage amidst the umbrage, camouflaged hence, essentially a chameleon, imperceptible to the unaware, petrified, cloaked, pending retreat.

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Sea of Flora Harmony

Sea of Flora Harmony 3 Ξ Beats

The consciousness frequency in this NFT brings Harmony to those in its presence. The Ξ Beats entrain one’s consciousness.

The caliginous panorama of flora swirling through dabs of light thereby swishing in like manner to the deep, immersed amid aqueous colour.

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Strawberry Dew Harmony

Strawberry Dew Harmony 3 Ξ Beats

The consciousness frequency in this NFT brings Harmony to those in its presence. The Ξ Beats entrain one’s consciousness.

As the dew gathers on the leaves, the blossoms engender auspicious hopes and dreams, assuring our anticipation.

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